It’s that time of year again! FINAL FOUR BABY

With the move to Tejas this year, I can honestly say it made my annual trip to the Final Four MUCH EASIER being in San Antonio! I mean, not only do I adore the city BUT it is a 4 1/2 drive which is basically like driving to Vegas! And not only that…this year for my 35th Bday I had a TON of my closest friends in town (and yes, some very important people were missing BUT this year was MUCH BETTER then last year). And let me thank Zamst for yet again making my experience SO MUCH MORE FABULOUS. Oh, one last thing…my first talk at the infamous AVCA Convention went off without a hitch (unless a lot of “um’s” are a hitch…haha).

From my friends…

To the Food/RiverWalk/Alamo

To the Matches

To the All American’s Honored (that I am blessed to have worked with)

Muy bueno San Antonio…Muy Bueno

A lil thing I like to call M2

So some might say I am CRAZY for doing yet another venture…others (like my self) would say it is an opportunity of a life time…M2 Volleyball Clinics & Camps start THIS WEEKEND in Cincinnati, Ohio! Oh yea. Basically, this year should be renamed to the wacky world of Team MistyChristi….hehe. Some might get this…others well…hehe. Anyways, picking up the shirts today made it ALL sink in! In less then 48 one of the greatest volleyball of all time will be giving the world an inside to her world. She will be helping/coaching young and adult minds in the WORLD of volleyball. We can’t WAIT to get started!! Now, if only they would open O’Hare….haha